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Australia Day Address 2025

The Meaning of Community

Madonna Hampson Speaker at Australia Day 2025
Madonna Hampson Speaker at Australia Day 2025

Madonna Hampson had 25 years of leadership experience, across Allied Health and Retail industries before transfering her skills to the not-for-profit sector 3.5 years ago. She joined Inspiring Brighter Futures (IBFF) as the Program and Volunteer Coordinator. She had volunteered with the foundation as a mentor to support youth and disadvantaged women. Her time with IBFF has cemented her passion for youth, to guide and inspire them to believe in themselves and achieve their goals. In 2023, Madonna joined the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre (MNC) as the new Centre Coordinator. The MVA invited her to reflect on the meaning of Community. Her address is given below:

I begin by acknowledging the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Jinibara, Kabi Kabi, Gabi Gabi people. I recognise their deep connection to the land, waters, and culture that they have cared for thousands of years. I honour their enduring role in nurturing and protecting this land, ensuring its health and vitality for us all. May the First Nations community's wisdom, strength, and resilience continue to guide and inspire us all.

In the spirit of community, may we strive to build strong bonds, where mutual respect and shared learning guide us toward a future of respect, collaboration and harmony.

Good Morning, thank you for having me here today. My name is Madonna. I have the privilege of caretaking the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre. An organisation that has supported our community from Mapleton to Maleny to Kenilworth and everywhere in between for over thirty-five years.

Community is my day job. Being invited to be here today led me to reflect on the meaning of


The dictionary tells us - it’s a noun with a definition of “A body of people who live in the same place,

usually sharing a common cultural or ethnic identity. Hence: a place where a particular body of

people live.”

The Oxford English Dictionary – revised 2009

To me the definition was inadequate so I asked our neighbours what community meant to them

• Belonging to something bigger than yourself

• A sense of place – caring, sharing and belonging

• A group of people with the same goals and attitudes

• Inclusive, support and respect

• Everything, It’s my whole world.

• Joining together to solve issues that affect the community

• A group of people who will help out whatever circumstances you find yourself in

• Having fun together


Community is really a verb, a purposeful action that holds the fabric of our community together where the strength of the fabric is determined by the individuals who weave it.

Our vibrant range community is home to many service and community groups – Montville Village Association, Blackall Range Lions, Rotary, Montville tennis club, Mapleton community library.

And the list goes on

Building a strong community requires a combination of values, actions, and structures that promote connection, support, and growth for all its members. Here are key elements that contribute to fostering a resilient and thriving community:

  • Shared vision and values

  • Mutual trust and respect

  • Effective communication

  • Support and solidarity

  • Active participation

  • Empathy and compassion

  • Resilience and adaptability

  • Celebration and cultural enrichment

Research has shown that a strong sense of community breathes life into individuals, offering them connection, support, and belonging.

  • Improves life satisfaction

  • Increase a sense of belonging

  • High social support

  • Increased physical and mental health

  • Personal growth

  • Resource sharing

It creates an environment where people thrive together, feeling valued, understood, and


The impact of strong connected communities on society is limitless.

Community is a verb – conscious actions that improve the health, wealth, and well-being of

individuals and families.

Actions that can positively influence the current challenges society faces – loneliness, mental health, housing, domestic and family violence, youth crime, environment and economic pressures.

Our community has vast resources and human collateral - a melting pot of intellect and experiences that are rich and vibrant. I believe this gives the capacity to make change. Creating the world that we want for ourselves, our family our neighbours.

At the Neighbourhood Centre I see this daily - a call to action to the community helped get a child an operation, a fridge for an elderly man with no means, fulfils social needs through chess club and community lunch, supports community action through collaboration with other government, community groups and service clubs.

  • Connected communities are relevant

  • Connected communities respond

  • Connected communities take responsibility

  • Connected communities are sustainable

  • Connected communities are powerful

  • Connected communities provide a sense of belonging and social connectedness

We are building better communities every time we connect with others to create positive change. I encourage you all to keep staying connected with your community, and keep your eye out for anyone who might benefit from connecting too. Because that one person that you invite can create that ripple effect. Building people up, recognising their strengths will impact everyone around them.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many

ripples.” – Mother Teresa


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